Если судьба свела вас со мной, значит, пришло ваше время платить за свои грехи. / Paratus sum.
absent-minded - рассеянный
Example:I don’t think much of Jack; he is so absent-minded.
И еще английских идиом на букву А
according to Hoyle - согласно правилам, делать что-либо строго по правилам
According to Hoyle, the in-patients are not allowed to leave the hospital grounds.
acid test- серьёзное испытание, пробный камень
The money problem was an acid test in their relationships.
acquire a taste for (something)- приобрести вкус к чему-либо
Having visited an art gallery, he acquired a taste for modern art.
across the board- равный для всех и для всего
The owner of the house increased the rent across the board, and all the tenants had to pay 50 dollars more.
act high and mighty - вести себя высокомерно и властно
Stella acted high and mighty that’s why no one liked her.
act one's age - вести себя по взрослому
My niece is in her early thirties, but she prefers not to act her age.
act up - вести себя плохо
The students often act up during the breaks.
add fuel to the fire - подлить масла в огонь
I wanted to calm him down, but my words only added fuel to the fire.
add insult to injury- наносить новые оскорбления
I felt pretty bad because my car had broken down, and instead of feeling sorry for me my father added insult to injury.
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