Если судьба свела вас со мной, значит, пришло ваше время платить за свои грехи. / Paratus sum.
at cross-purposes - разные цели
Example: It seems my friend and her husband are at cross-purposes; they often argue about everything.
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at death's door - на пороге смерти
Example: It was only at death’s door that Timothy could confess his fault.
at ease - раскованно; свободно; удобно, как дома
Example: I always feel at ease in the presence of my friends.
at every turn - на каждом шагу, куда не взглянешь
Example: The streets of the small town were full of cars; there were cars, big and small, at every turn.
at face value - номинальная, реальная стоимость
Example: Olaf’s new car was worth a lot of money at face value.
at fault - быть виновным
Example: I wondered who was at fault for the loss of valuable books.
at first - вначале, с начала
Example: At first Ron wanted to go on a river trip with us, but then he changed his mind.
at first blush - на первый взгляд
Example: At first blush Samuel seemed to be kind and decent, but he turned out to be quite mean.
at hand - близко, под рукой
Example: When I am working, I prefer to have everything close at hand.
at heart - в глубине души
Example: I thought her to be a bit tough, but now I know she is very vulnerable at heart.
road to the USA