Теперь я понимаю, почему он так популярен)
Кстати, вот узнал интересную деталь - когда дракон в Скайриме атакует, огнено или оглушающе, он выкрикивает слова на древнем языке. Таким образом, бой драконов, это по сути смертоносная словесная дуэль.
И, человек, в принципе, тоже может этим овладеть.
Получивший благословение драконьей кровью, как я полагаю. Драконорожденный.
Несколько тем из игры вместе со словами. Какого-то хрена они сворачиваются в трубочку с этими тегами, поэтому, путь будет так.
На языке драконов.
Dovahkiin Dovahkiin
Naal ok zin los vahriin
wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal
ahrk fin norok paal graan
fod nust hon zindro zaan
Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal
ahrk fin kel lost prodah
do ved viing ko fin krah
tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein
Alduin feyn do jun
kruziik vokun staadnau
voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein
Перевод на английский:
Dovahkiin Dovahkiin
by his honour is sworn
to keep evil forever at bay
and the fiercest foes rout
when they hear triumph’s shout
Dovahkiin for your blessing we pray
and the scrolls have fortold
of black wings in the cold
that when brothers wage war come unfurled
Alduin bane of kings
ancient shadow unbound
with a hunger to swallow the world
Перевод на русский:
Довакиин, Довакиин
Слово чести ты дал
Зло держать в цепях навсегда
Лютый враг обращается вспять
Услышав твой торжествующий клич
Довакиин, молимся за твое благословение
Свиток нам предсказал
О черных крыльях во хладе
И, когда братья завяжут войну
Альдуин, бич королей
Древнюю тень освободит
Что с ненасытностью мир поглотит
From the mists of the mountains a deafening call
Bellows down over the plains
On a host of battle-worn ears it does fall
Pushing out through the thunder and rain
These men of the north they have suffered too long
The anger it swells in their veins
Of the spirited roars of lost warriors' songs
Distant echoes are all that remain
And my voice is my violence
Clear the sky's frozen tears
And no more we'll be silent
With this Sovngarde song in our ears
And we stand tall
Sons of the snow
We will not fall
Under these blows
For our hearts they are hardy
Our spirits are strong
And our voices are lifted into
This Sovngarde song
Conquer the anger and ravenous rage!
Make it a part of your power
Pummeling down let your bloodlust engage!
Under your force they will cower
Feeling the fury so pure and so bright
Breaking the bonds of surrender
Under the moon for our home we will fight
And we will die to defend her
And my voice is my violence
Clear the sky's frozen tears
And no more we'll be silent
With this Sovngarde song in our ears
And we stand tall
Sons of the snow
We will not fall
Under these blows
For our hearts they are hardy
Our spirits are strong
And our voices are lifted into
This Sovngarde song
These perilous peaks
On the rim of the sky
I move in the midst
Of the clouds passing by
At the top of the world
On a white doomful day
Men of wisdom will show me the way
And we stand tall
Sons of the snow
We will not fall
Under these blows
For our hearts they are hardy
Our spirits are strong
And our voices are lifted into
This Sovngarde song
И замечательная самоделка )
Holy shit, what is this?
Forged in God's very flames.
Do mine eyes tell me lies,
A new Elder Scrolls Game?
Time is nigh, I must fly,
Venture forth on my quest.
Goodbye Ma, goodbye Pa
And goodbye Girlfriend's breasts.
I'll be off Azeroth, catch you later Hyrule.
I'll be gone Albion, I'm no longer your fool.
Other crap filled the gap
While I waited to begin...
The adventure of my life
in the land of Skyrim!